2018 “Belief Change: Introduction and Overview”. Eduardo Fermé and Sven Ove Hansson. Springer Briefs in Computer Science Series. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-60535-7.
Edited Books
2018 Argumentation-based Proofs of Endearment. Essays in Honor of Guillermo R. Simari on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. Carlos I Chesnevar, Marcelo A Falappa, Eduardo Fermé, Alejandro J. García, Ana G. Maguitman, Diego C. Martínez, Maria Vanina Martinez, Ricardo O. Rodríguez, Gerardo I. Simari Editors. College Publications. Tributes Series. ISBN 978-1-84890-292-3.
2018 Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2018. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence V 11238. 16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Trujillo, Peru, November 13-16, 2018. Proceedings. Guillermo R. Simari, Eduardo Fermé, Flabio Gutiérrez Segura and José Antonio Rodríguez Melquiades (Eds). ISBN 978-3-030-03927-1
2015. Proceedings of JOWO-2015. The Joint Ontology Workshops at IJCAI 2015 Episode 1: The Argentine Winter of Ontology. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-27, 2015. Odile Papini, Salem Benferhat, Laurent Garcia, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Eduardo Fermé, Thomas Meyer, Renata Wassermann, Torsten Hahmann, Ken Baclawski, Adila Krisnadhi, Pavel Klinov, Stefano Borgo, Oliver Kutz, Daniele Porello (Eds). CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-1517, Aachen, ISSN 1613-0073.
2014 “Logics in Artificial Intelligence V 8761, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Proceedings14th European Conference, JELIA 2014, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, September 24-26, 2014. Fermé, Eduardo, Leite, Joao (Eds.). ISBN 978-3-319-11558-0. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-11558-0
2013 “Trends in Belief Revision and Argumentation Dynamics” Eduardo Fermé, Dov Gabbay and Guillermo Simari (Eds). College Publications. Studies in Logic (Logic & Cognitive Systems) 48. ISBN 978-1-84890-065-3.
Guest Editors in Special Issue of Journals
2019 Special Issue on Belief Revision, Argumentation, Norms and Ontologies. Eduardo Fermé and Guillermo Simari Editors, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Springer.
2011. "Special Issue on 25 Years of AGM Theory” - Guest Edited by Eduardo Fermé and Sven Ove Hansson. Journal of Philosophical Logic Volume 40, (2).
2011 “Editorial Introduction—25 Years of AGM Theory”. Eduardo Fermé and Sven Ove Hansson. Guest Editor Introduction. Journal of Philosophical Logic 40, (2) : 113-114. doi: 10.1007/s10992-011-9173-7
2015 “Special Issue in Honour of Carlos E. Alchourrón”. Eduardo Fermé and David Makinson Guest Editors. South American Journal of Logic Nº2.
2019 "Residual Contraction." Garapa, Marco, and Maurício DL Reis.Journal of Logic, Language and Information (2019): 1-20.
2018 “Shielded base contraction”. Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé, Maurício D. L. Reis. Artificial Intelligence Journal 259. 186-216.
2018 “On the Logic of Theory Change: Iteration of Expansion” Eduardo Fermé and Renata Wassermann. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 24:8. 1—9.
2017 “On ensconcement and contraction” Eduardo Fermé, Marco Garapa and Maurício D. L. Reis, Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume 27, Issue 7, 1 October 2017, Pages 2011–2042.
2017, “Studies on brutal contraction and severe withdrawal” Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé, and Maurício D. L. Reis. Studia Logica. 105 (2): 331—360.
2016 “Construction of System of Spheres-based Transitively Relational Partial Meet Multiple Contractions: An Impossibility Result”. Maurício D. L. Reis, Eduardo Fermé and Pavlos Peppas. Artificial Intelligence. Volume 233, Pages 122–141 Elsevier Publisher.
2016 "Two Axiomatic Characterizations for the System of Spheres-based (and the Epistemic Entrenchment-based) Multiple Contractions". Maurício D. L. Reis, Pavlos Peppas and Eduardo Fermé. Annals of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence. 78 (3) 181—203
2014 "On the interrelation between systems of spheres and epistemic entrenchment relations." Reis, Maurício DL. Logic Journal of the IGPL 22.1 (2014): 126-146.
2013 “Epistemic Entrenchment-based Multiple Contractions”. Eduardo Fermé and Maurıcio D. L. Reis. The Review of Symbolic Logic / Volume 6 / Issue 03, pp 460-487.
2012 "Prioritized and non-prioritized multiple change on belief bases." Falappa, Marcelo A., Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Maurício DL Reis, and Guillermo R. Simari. Journal of Philosophical Logic 41, no. 1 (2012): 77-113.
2012 “Possible world semantics for partial meet multiple contractions”. Maurıcio D. L. Reis and Eduardo Fermé. Journal of Philosophical Logic 41, (1) : 7-28.
2012 System of spheres-based multiple contractions. Eduardo Fermé and Maurıcio D. L. Reis. Journal of Philosophical Logic 41, (1) : 29-52.
2011 “AGM 25 Years: Twenty-Five Years of Research in Belief Change” Eduardo Fermé and Sven Ove Hansson. Journal of Philosophical Logic 40, (2) : 295-331.
2008 “An axiomatic characterization of ensconcement-based contraction”. Eduardo Fermé - Martín Krevneris – Maurício Reis. Journal of Logic and Computation. 18(5):739-753.
Book Chapters
2016. “On the Iteration of KM-Update” Eduardo Fermé and Sara Gonçalves. Computational Models of Rationality. (ISBN 978-1-84890-198-8). Christoph Beierle, Gerhard Brewka, Matthias Thimm (Editors). College Publications. 243-261.
2014. “Credibility-Limited Improvement Operators”. Richard Booth, Eduardo Fermé, Sébastien Konieczny, and Ramón Pino Pérez. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, (ISBN 978-1-61499-418-3). Torsten Schaub, Gerhard Friedrich, Barry O'Sullivan Editors, IOS Press. 141: 123-128. Proceeding of ECAI 21 (21th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence), Prague. Czech Republic. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-419-0-123
2010. “Formal Epistemology and Logic” Horácio Arló Costa, Eduardo Fermé. A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte and Otavio Bueno (Editors). Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Publisher: John Wiley. 482-495. ISBN 9781405179799. doi: 10.1002/9781444314847.ch34
Conference Publications
2019 “Shielded base contraction (Extended Abstract)”. Invited Paper. Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé, Maurício D. L. Reis. To appear Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017). Journal track.
2018 “How to construct Remainder Sets for Paraconsistent Revisions”. Rafael Testa, Eduardo Fermé, Marco Garapa and Maurício Reis. In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2018) pp 119-125. Tempe, Arizona (USA).
2018 “A Semantic Perspective on Belief Change in a Preferential Non-Monotonic Framework”. Giovanni Casini, Eduardo Fermé, Thomas Meyer, Ivan Varzinczak. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018) pp 220-229. Tempe, Arizona (USA).
2018 “Studies in Credibility-limited Base Revision”. Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé and Maurício D. L. Reis. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018) pp 240-247. Tempe, Arizona (USA)
2017 “Construction of System of Spheres-based Transitively Relational Partial Meet Multiple Contractions: An Impossibility Result (Extended Abstract)”. Invited Paper. Maurício D. L. Reis, Eduardo Fermé and Pavlos Peppas. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017). Journal track. Pages 5045-5049., Melbourne, Australia.
2017 “Iterated Belief Change - The Case of Expansion into Inconsistency” Eduardo Fermé, Renata Wassermann. Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 420-425, Uberlândia, Brazil. doi: 10.1109/BRACIS.2017.35
2016. "Studies on Brutal Contraction and Severe Withdrawal: Preliminary Report" Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé and Maurício D. L. Reis. Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR16) pp 37-45 . Cape Town, South Africa. Available online (Preliminary version of the journal paper)
2012. “Credibility Limited Revision Operators in Propositional Logic”. Richard Booth, Eduardo Fermé, Sébastien Konieczny, and Ramón Pino Pérez. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (KR'12), Rome. 116 – 125.