
Thank you all for coming to Madeira for BRA2015.
We hope you injoyed the meeting.
We have preserved in this web page the memory of the workshop including the slides of the presentations.


We are happy to announce the "2nd Madeira Workshop on Belief Revision and Argumentation" from February 9th 2015 to February 13th 2015.

The workshop will be held in the following style: participation by invitation, agenda of presentations defined "on the fly", and a beautiful quiet place to guarantee a working environment suitable for creative, relaxed, and fruitful meeting.

As undoubtedly the future of our areas lies with our young PhDs and junior researchers, for this edition we have planned one full day devoted to their work. The activities planned will include: (a) short presentations of PhD's proposals or research plans, with a panel of senior researchers in a Doctoral consortium style, (b) short presentations about methodologies followed in the existing lines of research in BRA, and (c) a meeting brainstorming style between juniors and seniors with open agenda.

We have a limited number of places and it is only by invitation. Please e-mail us (ferme @ uma .pt) stating that:

a) you think that you might be interested in attending,
b) you have PhD students or junior researcher that you want to be invited